7 days till the move.
At this time next week, I'll be halfway to Florida. This is a place in which I know a total of one person within a 5-hour drive from where I'll be living. Because of this, I thought it would be fun to create a blog to keep everyone back in Oklahoma updated on what's going on, as boring as those happenings may be. So here's an explanation on exactly why/how I came to be in the process of moving halfway across the country...
Several months ago, I began a relationship with a boy. This boy's name is Tracy, and we hit it off immediately. We bonded over boxers (the dogs, not the underwear), Lady Gaga, kids, and eating spinach dip at 3 in the morning while watching bad infomercials. I knew from early on that this was a relationship I wanted to continue, although I was also aware that he would probably be moving to begin his residency in anesthesia within a fairly short period of time. When Tracy found out in late March that he matched a residency program in Florida, I was more excited than nervous. For several years, I have wanted to move out of Oklahoma at least temporarily. Florida was in my top 3 places that I'd like to move. We began to plan that I would move to Florida in December, after I finished my student teaching, so that we could continue our relationship. I was under the impression that student teaching for OU must be completed in Oklahoma, so I accepted that I would be in the state for several more months. However, one of my professors casually mentioned during the last week of school that they have placed students in Texas, Kansas, and even California. After this conversation, the ball was rolling-- professors made phone calls and sent emails, and before I knew it, I had confirmation that I would be able to complete my student teaching in Gainesville, through the University of Florida. While this is a significantly faster route to my original plan, I feel that it's the right thing for me right now. I want to move, my foot will be in the door for a teaching job in Gainesville, and I want to continue my relationship (preferably not long-distance). I've been asked by several people if I am becoming more nervous about my move as the day grows closer. The answer for me is no. I honestly feel nothing but excitement and a tremendous sense of opportunity with this giant move out of my comfort zone. I will miss family and friends a lot, but I feel comfort knowing I'm a short (ish) plane ride away. I hope to stay up-to-date with my fellow special education girls as we all begin post-college lives. More soon!