Sunday, August 29, 2010

What We Think, We Become

This has been a weekend of much time in thought. It's been relaxing, in that I haven't really had a whole lot of pressing work to do. However, it's been exhausting as well, due to the massive amount of just thinking about my future I've been partaking in. Sometimes I have to remind myself that I'm not the only person who exists in the world, that there are bigger questions to be answered in the world than what my long-term job should be. I don't know how it is for everyone else when they're trying to make a big decision, but for me, there's a certain amount of friction that goes on in my brain, constantly irritating my thoughts and not allowing me to focus on much else until the decision is resolved. I haven't been sleeping much in the past 2 weeks, with the exception of last night. Fortunately, I believe clarity is coming to me on my decision, which is allowing me to finally focus on other people, other activities, and on just being a functional human being. I ran outside today (after about 2 months of nothingness), cleaned, and did a legitimate amount of homework, none of which happens if my mind is a complete mess. That's about all I want to say about this decision for awhile, but please just keep me in your thoughts that the choice I make is the right one.

1 comment:

  1. Decisions are hard.
    It's hard for me to really focus on anything else until the decision has
    been made. Hope you can make a choice soon! :)
