Tuesday, July 27, 2010

An Interesting Day

3 days till the move.

I wished for something interesting yesterday, and today I got it. I happened to look at my credit card transactions for the past few weeks-- oddly, there were two charges from a tech support company in New York that I've never heard of. I called my credit card company, who then put me through to the tech support company. After an hour of talking/arguing/waiting on hold, the company still denied charging my card, and they didn't fix the error. My credit card company is disputing the charges, but I haven't found out for sure if or when the charges will be removed. Even though the charges didn't put me over my credit limit or add up to a ridiculous amount, I didn't make the purchases listed, and this is something I'd rather not deal with in the middle of trying to move everything I own 1500 miles. Moral of the story: be careful when you wish that something interesting would happen. Interesting is not always better.

In other news, I am completely packed and ready for my long drive on Friday. Tomorrow I have to do a few last-minute things, including but not limited to a Wal-Mart run, an oil change, and one last dinner with Marisa. I also get to see her new classroom, which I'm really excited about. It feels weird to be winding down my last days living in Norman for probably a very long time. Leaving Norman began to feel even more final today as I finally enrolled in my last semester of classes for OU (the graduate classes necessary to complete student teaching). I hope in the next few days to get news about my final student teaching placement, as well as when I start and end my student teaching. Also, I've applied for a part-time job with a tutoring company in Florida, and they're going through the process of doing a background check on me right now, so hopefully I'll be hearing back from them soon as well. Lots of things to get accomplished in the next few days.

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