Friday, December 24, 2010

Family Time

It's Christmas Eve! Guess what? All my gifts are wrapped and under the tree... That's pretty magical all by itself. I absolutely love shopping for Christmas gifts (especially if I have a good idea of what the person would like), but moving 20-something hours away from my family was really cramping my holiday style. I mean, how do you pack your suitcase with enough clothes for more than a week AND fit in presents for your 3 siblings, brother-in-law, and parents? Well, you don't. So it took a little bit of creative calling of Oklahoma stores and begging them earnestly if they would hold presents for me so that I could just pick them up when I arrived in the correct state. They were nice and did so, so Christmas shopping was really pretty non-stressful and pleasant. One quick trip to Norman, combined with a little online shopping, and I was done. Now I'm just relaxing in (chilly) Enid, Oklahoma, and it has been nice to not have anything pressing to get to for a few days.
Last night, we drove to the small town of Cherokee for Christmas with my mom's side of the family. It was good to see everyone, especially since that side is experiencing some baby-mania and most of the females are pregnant. Not me, however, in case anyone was concerned. There were some little kiddos running around, plus some good food and lots of family time. Today, we had planned to do Christmas with my dad's side of the family, which is smaller, but that was kinda thwarted because my grandma got sick... We still met up with my one cousin and her parents, then visited my grandpa at the nursing home. My family had a nice little visit with him and delivered some peanut butter crackers and sugar-free candy, so he was pretty pumped. I think we're planning to try to visit again in a few days when my grandma feels better.
As much as I'm enjoying being home and seeing family, as well as a few long-lost friends, I'll be ready to get back to Florida to see that crazy doctor kid again. He's in Wyoming with his family for a few days, and I'm glad he gets to have some quality family time as well, as much as I wish I got to go to Wyoming and see his family for a little bit too.
Hope everyone's holidays are relaxing, enjoyable, and filled with family and good food. Merry Christmas!

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