Sunday, August 1, 2010

Things I Have Learned So Far

1. Gainesville is humid. Very humid. Sometimes I can't tell if I'm walking or swimming.

2. I am a directionally challenged person. I have not yet mastered the art of knowing whether I'm driving into town or out of town.

3. Things come when you finally stop worrying about them. I received my email from Dr. Lovett last night telling me where my placements will be this fall, I will be at Stephen Foster Elementary School and Westwood Middle School.

4. I already love living somewhere that's completely dense with trees.

The beginning of life in Gainesville is going swimmingly (see #1). I'm moved in, have begun to unpack, and I'm exploring the town. Gainesville feels quite a bit bigger than Norman, and it's hard to know where you're going because you can't see around all the gigantic trees everywhere. I love driving and having Spanish moss hanging down over the road, and the whole town is honestly beautiful. So far the only disaster is that my dad and brother forgot to load the legs from my kitchen table onto the U-haul, so my table is currently resting on the floor until those get mailed to me. Tracy had the day off today, so we got to spend some time shopping with his parents and went out to lunch. He works the next two days, but then we may all make the trip out to the ocean. Not a whole lot else going on at the moment other than packing, but I'll write more when I can.

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