Saturday, August 21, 2010

Unpacking AGAIN, Falling Objects, and Extreme Exhaustion

First, let me preface this post by stating that I absolutely love my cooperating teacher for the first part of my internship. She's funny, flexible, and so helpful to me. We've had a great week together getting the classroom ready for students to come (they show up on Tuesday for her).

Now, let me say that it's not even a little bit nice when the principal tells you Thursday morning of the pre-planning week that you'll be moving classrooms. I wanted to cry as I moved my teacher's 40-plus years of junk from one portable building to a further away one. Did I mention that summertime in Florida is kinda toasty? It was about 95 degrees with 95% humidity. When I moved here, I was really looking forward to not having to move stuff in the heat again for a long, long time. Eh, I lasted approximately 3 weeks.

A side note for all you teachers and future teachers out there: when filing cabinets are moved from one classroom to another, the contents shift inside. This may result in falling glass snow globes and various other gravity-loving objects. These objects may fall on your head and cause a couple days of pain. Just saying.

On the bright side of all this, I met a lot of people while moving. I had good conversations with the custodians, the art teacher, the lady who hands out the year's textbooks, and the librarian. For the first time in all my practicum-type stuff, I feel as though I'm beginning to know what it feels like to actually be part of a school and feel welcome. I have a hunch that I'm going to be pretty sad to leave this school in 7 more weeks.

School has been dominating my life this week, so it's nice to get done and spend time with Tracy. I'm quite proud of him this week because he got a card from the people on his last rotation (trauma surgery) saying that the nurses voted him someone who gave excellent patient care and always made sure that problems and issues were resolved. They gave him a little gift card and thanked him for being a bad-a :). Yay for Tracy!

I've been looking for a fitness center to join in Gainesville so I can work out, as it's waaaay too humid here in the summer to exercise outside. Unfortunately, there aren't too many good ones here, and some of them are REALLY expensive, so the search continues.

Ok that's all! Haha. Good luck to all my new teacher friends as they begin their careers! Thinking of you all.

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