Thursday, November 25, 2010

Smells Like Thanksgiving

Hello all! I'm writing from Oklahoma, which is pretty exciting. It is not exciting that it's 30 degrees here. I miss my 80-degree flip flop weather! However, I'm very happy to be home with my family for a few days, and on this delightful Thanksgiving holiday to just have the opportunity to relax with people who are important to me.

We aren't actually having Thanksgiving until tomorrow with my mom's side of the family, so today has been a pretty low-key day. We ate chicken and mac and cheese for lunch, and we're about to eat a Mexican casserole for dinner. Just like what the pilgrims ate! I'm super pumped for tomorrow, with lots of turkey, mashed potatoes, deviled (devilled?) eggs, chicken and noodles, hot rolls, green bean casserole, and pies. Quite a bit of family is coming over to my house, and to make stuff even more exciting, a good chunk of my cousins are pregnant this year! There will be lots of babies to play with by this time next year.

The cooking has just begun at my house, and it's slowly starting to smell like pumpkin pie up in here. My favorite part of Thanksgiving cooking, making the deviled/devilled eggs, will be a little later tonight. If I could only eat one food for the rest of my life, I'm pretty sure it would be those eggs. Well, maybe mixed in with some chicken and noodles.

I'll keep this short so I can go hang out with people, as Stephanie and Phillip (my sister and brother-in-law), Adam (brother), Sara (his girlfriend), Brendon (his freshman roommate), and my parents are all around. Brian (other brother) is still in Arizona, but he gets to take leave in December for Christmas. Hope everyone is enjoying their Thanksgiving! Eat some extra food for me today, and cheer for the Sooners on Saturday!

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